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China Startup Sprint

Immersion into China’s Technology and Startup Ecosystem

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About China Startup Sprint

China Startup Sprint is an immersive program designed for startups, entrepreneurs, and students to plug into China’s technology and startup ecosystem, learn about cutting edge trends and developments, and connect with innovators and investors.

Inspiring the Next Generation of Innovators: How China Startup Sprint Works

Our program provides student team with a unique opportunity to travel to various cities in China to learn about new breakthrough technologies, participate in tech company site visits, and entrepreneurial workshops. Students will also have the chance to connect with and work alongside investors, startup entrepreneurs and founders.

Program Highlights

Key startup hubs: Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu

Sites visit to tech companies and leading accelerators

Insider look into hi-tech companies and products

Entrepreneurship and leadership workshops

Mentorship from startup entrepreneurs and founders

Program Links


The China Startup Sprint is dedicated to providing students with an immersive experience to learn about technology development in China while also receiving mentorship in innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, and social impact.

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